It was my first time to bake and Hersey's Triple Chocolate Chunk Brownies were my first dish. The instruction seems so easy to follow and the needed ingredients are very available in the kitchen. Step by step, I mixed the ingredients (thinking how long it should be), then filled it in a pan, set the temperature & minutes, and leave the oven to do its job. 10 minutes before time, the brownies smell so good. One side of me said that it's cooked but the other; keep pushing that I must stick with the recommended minutes. Few minutes later, I smelled the burnt food. Quess what I did? I just did nothing and still end up waiting the times-up.
Even with out looking at the brownies I know it's gonna be the opposite of what I am hoping for... How stupid I am that even the smell can tells that there's nothing I should hope for but still I am hoping that it's gonna be tastes different.
Even following simple instructions could not warranty that could make a good one. If baking brownies is easy, why shouldn't I get it perfectly in one try.
How brownies perfectly made? It will remain a mystery for me.
Well, there's nothing to be disappointed. There are still three remaining packs for another try. As we say, “there’s no harm in trying". Better next time... Wish me luck!
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